

Most traditional acupuncture styles focus on needling along channels, organ lines, and other structures described by traditional Eastern philosophy. The goal is usually balancing the body, improving organ function, etc. This traditional approach is often combined with herbal medicine and works well for many chronic internal conditions.

Orthopedic acupuncture, on the other hand, focuses directly on improving the function of the body’s muscles and joints. This is the best approach for treating sports and work related injuries, “wear-and-tear,” and many other painful conditions. Many orthopedic acupuncture techniques are based on modern scientific research. Orthopedic acupuncture also borrows techniques from traditional Asian martial arts medicine.

The goal is to restore normal, integrated, pain-free movement.


Acupuncture & dry needling increase strength and flexibility, correct muscle imbalances, improve millisecond reaction time and generally improve the adaptability of the body. Many professional athletes get routine treatments to maintain peak performance and reduce the risk of injury.

We will check the stability and range of motion of your joints, strength of key muscles, and ability to perform functional movement patterns. Limitations in any of these areas are often due to muscles that are weak or otherwise not firing properly. This may be due to an old injury, over training or other stimuli that can cause a muscle to become tight or shut down.

With orthopedic acupuncture, we can “reset” these muscles. This can help restore strength, range of motion and maximize your body’s ability to recover and function.

Acupuncture for kids?

Yes! Kids can get acupuncture, too! Pediatric acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine offers a safe and complimentary therapy to Western Medicine to promote the body to heal itself. Treating children doesn't always involve needles (taps). We offer other techniques that work alongside acupuncture such as acupressure, tui na, gua sha, cupping, and Acutonics. Read more about non-needle techniques here.


YOUNG CHILDREN                                                 

  • coughs/asthma

  • tummy aches

  • diarrhea/constipation

  • ear infections

  • bed wetting

  • colic

  • allergies

  • eczema

  • headaches & body aches

  • common cold and flu


  • sleep issues


  • sleep disturbance

  • acne

  • pain/injuries

  • lack of focus/fogginess/low energy

  • PMS

  • emotional/behavioral

  • digestive

  • stress

These are just some of the conditions treated by acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.


The first visit will allow us to meet, talk about concerns and answer any questions you and/or your child may have in a comfortable and safe environment.  Treatments are then designed to meet your child's specific needs in order to boost the body's ability to fight infections, reduce the longevity of a cold, and restore their body's natural balance to promote healthy growth.

After going over your child's main complaint, health history, and a thorough examination, a treatment will be given which may include taps and/or other modalities. Treatment for children are much different than for adults: they are about 30 minutes long, can sit with parents, and they do not have to sit very still as needle retention time (if any) is very short!

Follow-up treatments may include Chinese herbal medicine, taps and/or other non-needle modalities, diet and lifestyle modifications, depending on what you child may need. Parents (or child) are also taught acupressure techniques to continue treatment in between follow-up appointments.


Have the child wear loose clothing. Make sure they've had a snack before coming in for a treatment.
Bring their favorite toy, stuff animal, or game!

Complimentary 15 minute consultations are offered in office or over the phone. Call Natalie at 305-609-8989 if you have any questions. Looking forward in being part of your child's journey to health!